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tv   On the Record With Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  December 29, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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washington. "on the record" starts right now. ♪ ♪ this is fox news alert. where is air asia flight 8501. at this hour the mystery is growing. and right now the u.s. is making plans to assist in the search. hello, everyone, i'm kimberly guilfoyle in for greta van susteren. today the government requesting help from the u.s. the air asia jet with 162 people on board disappeared sunday morning while flying from indonesia to singapore. it was supposed to be a short two hour flight. the plane vanished from radar after running into bad weather. right now it is morning in southeast asia and the search area is expanding. for the very latest grn correspondent terry friel joins us live from malaysia. terry?
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>> yes. good morning, kimberly. how are you? >> good. thanks for being with us. so what you can tell us about the search and the expanding of the area in which they're covering? >> well as you said, the search is expanding. they vin ceased it by four times, which is rather unusual because the area is actually quite small and the very shallow. we have about five or six nations involved with navy ships and aircraft searching for what should be a fairly easy thing to find. again, like the malaysian airlines flight t(' i went down in march no distress call and there is no emergency indicators or transponders from the plane itself. which is a little bit strange. >> yeah disconcerting because you would think with the satellite technology, the capability that we have that we would be able to locate an airline jet of this size. yet, we are struggling and now we have more nations joining in including the united states trying to help shed some light on this situation which is obviously very troubling for the
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family members who still want to keep hope aalive. but no sign yet. what do you think the next steps are? >> well, the next steps are to expand the search. bring more technology in. and as we head with malaysian airlines flight in march to look at the data, the pings the plane automatically sends to both the producer and to airline authorities. the u.s. navy, for example will bring in technology that the indonesias don't have and indonesia is heading at this at the moment. bringing technology manpower and statistics all together? ted, what do you believe? you say three working theories in this investigations exactly to what went wrong. >> at the malaysian airlines 370 there are many theories. most likely theory at the moment is bad weather.
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although at the time the plane went down, there were seven other flights in the same area. so essentially, there is no seriously good working theory. bad weather that's about the main theory. >> as we know planes don't just drop out of the air. perhaps there are a confluence of events. bad weather, human error and number of things that could have gone wrong to create essentially the perfect storm that led to that airline disappearing. all right, terry, thank you for that update. i will be speaking to you later. >> thank you. and the air asia plane encountered rough weather as we discussed just before it lost contact with air traffic control. for more on the the weather conditions we go to fox meteorologist janice dean who joyce us. hi. >> hi kimberly. looking at the satellite imagery when we lost contact with the plane this of course was from yesterday morning. and this is what we look at this. is from a red satellite imagery. means when we look at the
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cloud tops here the deeper oranges and reds meaning that we have colder cloud tops higher up and that's where we have the particularly dangerous thunderstorms. this is monsoon season where they see the worst of the weather in terms of heavy rain fall certainly thunderstorms and strong winds. so, this is the area of concern and as you can see when we lost contact, a lot of these very strong cloud tops in the area, these purples, these oranges and reds which would indicate very strong thunderstorms. so, of course, that would be the big theory is the weather played a part here. now, looking at the weather right now in the last six hours as they resume search for the missing airliner, this is the flight path here. and this is the search region and it looks like we have some thunderstorms just south of this area but otherwise clearing conditions. of course again this is monsoon season where they typically see these big thunderstorms and the heavy yetion of rain. they really have a window i would say between 6 and 12 hours to get in there and do their searching because then we see more showers and
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thunderstorms in the region as we get into tuesday and wednesday. so again, this is the volatile area this time of year. december and january. the wettest times thunderstorms were in the flight path. we know that kimberly. heavy rain and severe flooding in the region over the past several weeks. we're not just talking about inches of rain but feet of rain. and the conditions when the flight was on its path turbulence certainly lightning a possibility and the strong vertical and horizontal winds, of course ice something a possibility and some hail. back to you kimberly. >> thank you for that update. really making it clear that this is that brief window of opportunity where they have some clear weather conditions coming up to be able to nail it down because december and january are the wettest months in that area. janice, thank you so much. >> of course. >> the last communication from the cockpit to air traffic control was pilot's request to increase altitude to avoid the rough weather. the request was reportedly denied. are requests like these common and did it in fact play a role in this crash.
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former pilot and aviation expert joins us now to sort through. this it has become again another aviation mystery in our hands right now. what you can tell us? shed some light on it. >> kimberly, it's nice to be on the show tonight. you are doing a fine job. i think it's a weather-related incident. and i have listened to several commentators on some other news channels today and i have heard several people say that these airplanes are not problematic in bad weather like this. and the reason is because you have good radars on all these airplanes. i flew an air bus and all this equipment is similar. the reason it's not so dangerous is because you have the ability to avoid it and from what i hear the criminaller would not allow the pilot any latitude. and it's one of those
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circumstances, you know i can't second guess another pilot because i'm not there. none of us know for certain. but you get these type of monsoon thunderstorms. very violent. even at very high altitude you usually can't outclimb them. you have to go around them. and i believe that you know there are circumstances where you have to tell the controller. >> yes. >> that you are taking the heading change and he can just work it out. >> right. but isn't that true though? when you see and you have felony -- flown some of the biggest planes. exigent circumstances look like you said you can barely outclimb monsoon. one shot and lives on board. you have got to go ahead and make that decision, right? >> yes. and you have to make it in a timely way. because you can get into a situation where you go between two bad storms and another one can be rising faster than the airplane can climb in between them.
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and can you get boxed in. so, if you reach a point where you are running out of options, you have to do the right thing because it's almost like this. if the controller tried to vector you into another airplane, he couldn't do it in a million years. so you forget about that aspect of it because if you -- you don't want to be in a situation where there is a thousand and one chance you might hit another airplane and trade that for a 50/50 chance you may get upset at very high altitude. the higher the airplane goes the less stable it is is as far as dealing with turbulence. your options are to not get in it it's not so bad down low making an approach to an airport. >> right. >> it's just a really rough ride. but when you are up near the airplane's altitude capability or to the edge of it, it can be very he dangerous. your safety factor is stay away from it. >> of course. you don't want to try to it avert one danger and create
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another in the sky. especially when traffic is a little congested up there. other planes in the area why air traffic control denied the request. so many questions hank at this hour based on how does the plane disappear from radar like that. why don't we have better g.p.s. or tracking. try to find the plane and black boxes. some family members wanting answers to know what happened. hank, thank you so much for spending the time with us tonight. >> you're quite welcome. >> and as we reported today. the government of indonesia formally asking the u.s. to help in the search for the missing passenger jet. the state department says the u.s. is trying to determine the best way to assist. so what could that involve? defense one's patrick tucker joins us now for more on this developing story. >> patrick what role county u.s. play? how can we help do it better? find some answers? >> well, there is a number of different assets that we could bring to bear on this particular situation today the navy 7 fleet confirmed that a big destroyer the uss
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sampson is going to be relocated to the area. other than that, the pentagon has nearly said that they're going to be moving some air some surface, and some under sea detection tability into the area. they are being vague on that because the pentagon is not in the business of letting the entire world know exactly what their air surface and detection capabilities for this sort of thing are. >> right. >> they could include high resolution satellite images. possibly radar satellite images as well as a toad sonar radar array. radar systems towed behind boats. they have got about 50-kilometer range and those could help locate objects now on the sea floor as well as under sea drones which navy has a number of and much cheaper to deploy than submarines. >> what's hard for people at home is how does a plane -- this is what becomes frightening to people. how could a plane of that size vanish. this coming so quickly on the heels of é the malaysian airlines.
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where is this gigantic plane and how's come we don't have better satellite or tracking technology to be able to locate it? that it's been a able to be a mystery and disappear for so many hours now undetected? >> well, this plane is probably going to be easier to find than the missing malaysian airlines flight because the search area is much smaller. it is a very valid question. right now g.p.s., the global positioning system which is the way we use satellites to locate objects here on the surface of the earth. it is useful for pilots that want to locate where they are in relevance and reference to other objects. but it's not something that air traffic control all around the world actually uses in order to find planes and locate where they're. we still use primarily radar for that now, in the gulf of mexico, there is a system called the automatic dependent surveillance broadcast system. and that uses g.p.s. to locate planes in reference to one another but they have to use a bunch of buoys and a bunch of oil rigs and a bunch of mesh network to
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find things and that equipment isn't really in existence between singapore and indonesia. >> this is why it is so important that the u.s. is stepping in. and we have been invited and we have to be careful with that in terms of the diplomatic protocol that needs to be followed. i will tell you we are really good at this. hopefully we can help and i like that they got us in quicker than we were asked to come and help out in malaysia. patrick, thank you so much for tonight. >> thank you. >> we're going to continue to monitor the breaking developments in this mystery in the search for flight. we will bring you new information as soon as we get it right now, new signs of the growing tension between the nypd and new york city mayor bill de blasio. today, some boos even some heckles from the crowd as a mayor spoke at a police graduation ceremony. >> thank you. congratulations, officers. it is an honor to call you officers. >> that's a tough crowd. and on saturday some police officers turning their backs
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on mayor de blasio as he spoke at the funeral of one of the slain and nypd officers. and now many people are calling on the mayor to official live apologize. but should he? the "wall street journal" editorial board's mary kissel joins you now. you have got some hard hitting thoughts and commentary on that. >> what the mayor needs to do is issue an asincere apology, kimberly that would be difficult for him given that he ran for office anti-cop rhetoric, for example telling his son to be afraid of the cop saying that we have endured centuries of racism something he has repeated on national television. that would be a good start. however, not so much what this mayor says. it's what he does. his policies have to change. he has enacted policy that basically encourage criminality in new york city. he said i'm not going to prosecute lower level crime. marijuana possession, go for it it's a great day for pot dealers in new york city. he has frat turnized with al sharpton who is a racial
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provocateur. most importantly, he declined to appeal a federal court decision about stop, question, and frisk. and that took a lot of power away from the cops. the cops feel undermined. i don't like the booing and heck cling. i think you can respect the office if not the man. you can understand why the police are upset. >> they don't feel that they have the back of the mayor of the city of new york. i mean, one of his main jobs is to protect and serve, you know he, this city and by doing so he has to deal with public safety. this is the nypd which has been the shining example right, to the country of a great police department and an incredible police force, one that is rich in diversity. the nypd bleeds blue. they don't look at each other and say your white i'm black, i'm hispanic, you'ration. >> he has so serve the whole community not one section of it. the sad reality is that the people that the left profess to serve whether it's here whether it's in chicago or other countries around the nation where democrats are running things, that they
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really want him to serve the minority communities, they would stand up and be the voice for the law abiding members of that poor and black minority community. they would support policies like charter schools to get these kids a better education. they would encourage role models who talk about family and going to school and, you know being a good -- a law abiding adult when you do enter society as an adult. they are not doing that they don't want to tackle the hard problems. it's easier to declare a war on cops or war on women or poverty than looking at what's going on in those communities and come up with real solutions. >> it was real solutions and honest conversation. you don't get anywhere by serving -- doing incredible job. you really have to look at the best practices that have come forward that put this city in a position where crime was lower and homicide rates were lower in these communities that have struggled, whether it's from socioeconomic reasons or
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problems in the community with gangs, et cetera. i mean that's how you learn and grow. not by castigating your men and women that serve. >> look, i don't think that mayor bill de blasio has the intellectual capability to do that that's why you see nypd commissioner bill bratton plastered all over the sunday talk shows talking about finding common ground and also notably this weekend referencing hey he remembers what it was like in the 70s. that's a signal that says to the american public, particularly people who live here in new york i'm the guy with experience. i have been here before. i know how to solve these problems. i think you are going to see bratton take an increasingly important role in the coming days. >> he is in very untenable position. very difficult especially given the years of law enforcement, the real knowledge that he has about the communities and what needs to be done to keep everybody safe and respectful in an honest way. >> or he is in a stronger position because now the mayor needs him more than ever. >> if he he will, but it comes down to, you know core fundamentals and his
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political ideology and what he really believes. there is a little bit of disconnect and struggle here. hopefully learn from this and all hope for the best. >> thanks for having me. >> president obama is threatening to use his pen again. this time it's not to take executive action. find out what the president is planning now. plus, charles krauthammer joins us next. also ahead, another police ambush. this time l.a.p.d. spherls fired at in their cruiser. the latest on the suspect search it is all coming up. stay with us. looking for a little support. what you get is a game of a thousand questions. was it raining? were your flashers on? was there a dog with you? by the time you hang up you're convinced the accident was your fault. then you remember; you weren't even in the car. at liberty mutual we make filing a claim as stress-free as possible. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance
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well, president obama has threatened to use his veto pen. the new congress hasn't even been sworn in yet but the president is gearing up to block the incoming g.o.p. majority. listen to what he told mpr.
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>> they there are going to be some areas where we disagree. and, you know, i haven't used the veto pen very often since i have been in office partly because legislation that i objected to was typically blocked in the senate even after the house took over republicans took over the house. now i suspect there are going to be some times where i have got to pull that pen out. >> and charles krauthammer, author of things that matter joins us. charles, thanks for being on the program. going "on the record" tonight. really wanted to -- >> -- pleasure. >> hear what you who to say this evening about this. this is what the president is promising. do you think he will act on it and is it a wise move? >> i think he will act on it and i think the republicans ought to say bring it on, mr. president. there is no better way for the g.o.p. to position itself for the 2016 election than to show the country two things. one, that now that it controls the house and the senate and now that harry reid is not there as the
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blocking guard for the president, that's the reason he didn't have to use the veto. he had harry reid. with harry reid gone and mitch mcconnell run aring the senate, they are able to enact agenda. they have an agenda. and they should be willing to pass whatever they can and to dare the president to go ahead and to veto. now, they can do stuff that they know the president will sign. the most obvious thing is to trade negotiating authority. harry reid was holding it up because of the unions because of many liberal democrats. but presidents want negotiating authority. republicans are protrade. they should could that give the president a win and a victory. but then they should begin to work on stuff and challenge the president. keystone pipeline tax reform he repeating the medical device tax. repeating the employer and individual mandates and healthcare reform. let the president show where the party stands and let the
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country know that the new president, republican president this stuff, which is very popular will be able to get through. >> i think you are so right. it transcends the bridge between now and what's happened with the midterm elections and going forward to pave the path for 2016 so voters can make informed choices based on specific examples. neither party should be afraid to define themselves and mr. president where do you stand? is this what we want more of in 2016? want intractable problems or people work together and stand for the principles? republicans have this unique opportunity in time to do something about it. >> what's happened for the last several years is these stark choices never came to a head because whenever a bill would get through the house, a republican agenda say on tax reform or something on entitlement reform or jobs programs it would die death in the
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senate where it never would even get to a vote. so it never even made news. well now it will. >> it's so true. i love the examples, the just position between choices. who do you want to vote for? who do you stand with? if you don't take this opportunity? i think if you are in the g.o.p. to make this that moment that matters that transcends, penal will say well maybe i wasted my vote. i put you in because you were going to do something different. you were going to make a fundamental change in the way that the lives of american people are lived and specific examples that you mentioned that they can do so. >> there is a way to expose, for example the democratic party's extreme environmentalism. keystone pipeline is only the at this point of the ice berpg to mix medicine fors. how extreme democrats are if the president exercises the veto as he seemed to signal he would in his last news conference. but there is a whole slew of regulation coming down the
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pipeline out of epa which will kill coal, heavily regulate the entire power industry, raise rates in a way that i think will be extremely unpopular and what republicans ought to do is to target every one of those and let it come to a head and let the country have a debate. that's the way it's supposed to work in a democracy. but the thing is it was all shrouded and hidden when harry reid would prevent any of us from seeing the light of day. now it's going to be seen. >> you are absolutely right. this is going to be great to watch and hopefully we can move forward as a country and take these unique opportunities and let people make the choices. charles, always a pleasure. thank you. >> pleasure to be here. >> straight ahead, of the taliban declaring the defeat of the u.s. in afghanistan. lt. colonel allen west is here to talk about that next. plus, we know iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon and has a history of state sponsored terrorism. but is president obama planning to open a u.s. ambassador in tehran?
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you have to hear what he says. and then what ambassador john bolton says coming up. stay with us. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ ♪ know when to run. ♪ ♪ you never count your money, ♪ ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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a flag lowering ceremony marking the official end of u.s. combat missions in afghanistan and today just 24 hours later taliban insurgents in afghanistan declaring the defeat of the u.s. and its allies in the 13-year-old war. lt. colonel allen west joins us now. can you believe it? 13 years hard fought and now the taliban saying that they defeated us in and the u.s. allies. come on. >> greetings, kimberly. one of the things we have to come to understand there was a quote by austria military strategist who said war is the imposition of one's wilpon another. we, at no point in time have imposed our will against the taliban. we have not vanquished the enemy from the battlefield. there have been no can a pitted legs. one of the saying that i heard them say quite often in my two and a half years in afghanistan was that you may have watches but we have the time. and when we look at afghanistan, it is not a war in and of itself. the real war against islamic
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totalitarianism, islamo fascism and terrorism continues on. afghanistan was just a combat theory of operation in that greater war. one of the still fighting on all fronts. just naive and reckless to suggest that this is the end of the war in afghanistan. most certainly is not. we still have men and women that continue to serve there. and we need to make sure that they have the right security so that they can keep these operations in place. because by no means is the war on terror or jihaddism or extremism as you pointed out over. this is just one of the many theaters alive and well fighting a tactic in terrorism we are fighting against ideology. we have not legitimized that ideology. next year 25015 five senior members of the taliban that we released in exchange for a deserter bo bergdahl will
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be returning back to afghanistan. so now you are starting to see the reconstitution of the enemy's leadership which is very deadly. and we see that has happened in iraq where al qaeda wanted in iraq was defeated but you they reconstituted. i'm very concerned about the mission that this follow-on force of about 10,000 will have. whether that will be enough to accomplish the mission. >> well, you are absolutely right. we are actually now complicit because we are part of the resupply program. the conveyor belt of terrorists, let them out send them right back to the theater where they do their best work. this is really inappropriate. and i think so dangerous from a national security and foreign policy message. if you you were in charge, you're president of the united states, what would you do, colonel, come with these decisions, start with afghanistan? >> well, first and foremost, i would move away from this sense of nation building and occupation style warfare. we would be focused on strike operations. there are four real strategic imperatives.
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go after ideology through a dedicated information operation. we would cut off his support of man material and financial support. and last but not least we would cordon him off and reduce his ability to have nay sphere of influence. that's kind of strategic imperatives we need to have. >> absolutely right. a moan who knows what he is talking about and has been in the theater and cares about the men and women serving there and getting the job done right. colonel west, thank you. >> happy new year, thank you, kimberly. >> you as well. now to iran. this may surprise you in npr interview president obama was asked if he would ever consider opening up u.s. embassy in tehran. his response? quote i never say never but i think these things have to go in steps. former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us now. i have been waiting to hear your thoughts on this ambassador. >> it's another unforced error by the president. another example of how he is giving away things and getting nothing in return. the way that statement you
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just quoted is structured is first we sign this increasingly terrible deal on iran's nuclear program which will basically legit mifs that program. uns ubs with he says once we have got that out of the way. i don't think any step is sack sacrosanct. whenever you give something up you ought to get something for it, whether it's cuba or iran afghanistan, we give away a lot under this president and next to nothing back. >> why are we afraid for bargain for consideration. we are giving this. it seems we are offering from such a week positioning points it makes no sense whatsoever the president is making us welcome he believes america is not positive in the world he thinks he we're are the problem. in the case of iran. he believes we have treated them badly over the years.
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we supported the shaw. and so on and so if america simply gives up any pretense of trying to contain this central bank for international terrorism, developing nuclear weapons that the iranian regime will say well, i guess the americans are okay. let's give all that up. it's naive it's ideological. most of all, it's dangerous for the country. >> well, it really is it's a haphazard approach. i don't understand how we are supposed to be operating acting with realtime intelligence if we are constantly apologizing for what the president thinks are our transgressions of the past. >> i think the signal he is sending, not just to our adversaries like iran and north korea, but to our friends like israel, saudi arainia, the united arab emirates kuwait, they are looking around that this man embracing someone who is threatening to overrun our government. the risk to them is after cute. it's a signal of weakness.
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this interview increases the concessions that secretary of sect kerry to feign a seal weighted in thep favor. >> all it would do is create a power surge for iran in terms of their regional and global influence. that is a big pnla>÷ for not just the united states but for the rest of the world. ambassador, thank you. >> thank you, kimberly. >> caught on camera the dramatic rescue of a child from a burning building. that's next. plus, economic challenges brewing for american businesses. from taxes to healthcare costs. regulations triangle gling small business. the owner of a popular brewery goes "on the record." it's coming up.
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the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry in to the sign then dr ive event and get a five-hundred dollar new year's bonus on select new volkswagen models. offer ends january 2nd. a dramatic and terrifying scene in alabama. apartment building goes up in flames and mothers are forced to throw their children to safety. the 3-year-old boy making a daring escape.
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>> come out with your momma right here. your momma said do it. come on. >> chaos outside a birmingham, alabama apartment complex where neighbors are plead for 3-year-old child to jump from a burning building. >> we got to come out. irñz]rt3this amateur video showing the dramatic moment when the young child lands in the hands of a loving relative and carrie jackson catching it all on camera. >> i really didn't have any emotion running through me at the time. it was just like i need him. we need him to jump. >> the child surviving the fall and firefighters arriving in time to rescue another child from the burning building. all of it on christmas morning. >> oh my god he jump, he jump, he finally jump. and it just -- just that feeling he gives relive that moment and say -- really
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good feeling. >> your momma said do it. incredible. >> tonight, of the red cross is providing shelter for some of the fire victims. >> now to it a bringing problem brewing for small businesses in our nation. many company owners say government regulations are strangling their businesses. and that includes the owner of a popular brewery. griff jenkins reports from delaware. >> >> this is dog fish head brewery in milton, delaware. >> and they are brewing a lot of beer. >> looked like you have had a couple beers in the last week. >> full glosh i drink a lot of dog -- >> dog fish head has grown enormously since sam opened it in 1995. starting in the nation's smallest commercial brewery. they are the third largest microbrewery in the nation. >> we brew about 31,000 bottles this year with about
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230 people. >> nancy profit, jobs, and of course a whole lot of beer. >> when you started michael brews weren't actually legal in delaware. >> yeah. i was kind of stupid. the day i was putting my sign above my restaurant brewery where this was, some guy brewery. it's illegal to open a brewery in delaware. i immediately got my pickup truck. drove up to dover. which one is the house and the senate. wept in and told them i'm under construction. i need to quickly figure out how to change the locks. son, come in here you are going to draft a bill. >> that's what he did. the deregulation paying off for delaware creating 2,000 jobs for the state. not the only obstacle this brewery has had to overcome. >> one of our biggest challenges we pay a sin tax. there san excise tax on beer. >> u.s. government makes small brewers pay 7ness taxes for every barrel they
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produce. that skyrockets after first 60,000-barrels. for of the big brewers it's worse. the government takes $18 on every single barrel they produce. >> i think it's in moderation it's part of the healthy lifestyle. craft beer goes amazingly well with food. i don't get the whole excise tax thing. >> it's not just taxes. financing, access to new markets. product distribution and, of course, healthcare costs all threats to brewing in america. >> expensive or less expensive
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whmpleghts obamacare got through it got so expensive health insurance that we stopped insurance. >> craft beer is still growing. rising from just 8 in 1980 to more than 3,000 today's. opening at the rate of one brewery per day and that is something to drink to. >> cheers. >> cheers. thanks for having us. >> and just last year, americans drank a whopping 14.3 billion worth of craft beer. that's the most in the nation's history. my goodness. and straight ahead. president obama russian president putin, who made this year's list of the biggest pinocchios? the "the washington post" glen kessler is here to tell us next.
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so what time is it? it's that time of year, time to look back at the best ands worst of 2014. and our next guest is here with a look at the biggest pinocchios of the year. i love this stuff. "the washington post" glen kestler joins us. this is my favorite who here you go. president obama calls isis the jay vee team. >> that's right. this made it as one of the worst pinocchios of the year because he and the white house tried to say that he was not specifically referring to the islamic state or isis when he said dismiss them as a jay vee team but i got ahold of the previously unreleased transcript that showed that indeed he was referring to the islamic state when he said jay vee team. >> all right. number two, allison lund green grimes claims that mitch mcconnell took 600,000 from anti-coal groups. >> yes. this was really one of the worst ads of the entire campaign year because it was based on some really fuzzy math. it wasn't mitch mcconnell.
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it was his wife. the former secretary elaine chal and what she did she was on the board of wells fargo bank which finances coal companies. you can't call them anti-coal group. tried to lump bloomberg in there because elaine chal was on some affiliate of bloomberg's that was like $5,000 and then on top of that, after i gave four pinocchios for that claim she went on and then repeated it herself in a campaign ad. that was pretty bad. >> double downing on the pinocchio is never a good idea. and look what happened. all right. nra ad claims mary landrieu voted to take away your gun rights. what happened with that? >> well, that was a very provocative ad which showed a woman putting her baby to bed texting her spouse and intruder breaks in. suggestion from the ad was that she was killed because she wasn't able to purchase a gun. but the nra's own lawyers
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confirmed to me that, you know, despite the vote that mary landrieu cast that woman in that ad would have been able to buy a gun to protect herself. >> that's why that was so bad. >> pinocchio again. we got another one. two appear anses here president obama the g.o.p. filibustered 500 pieces of legislation. >> well, there are were lots of problem with his math there first of all he wasn't really counting filibusters. he was counting cloture votes which can be very technical as to whether or not that is a filibuster or not. most of those cloture votes had to do with judicial appointments, not legislation. and then he was counting all the way back to 2007 when he himself was a senator casting the very votes that he decries when he says filibusters. so it was -- it was -- he was off by a factor of at least 10 when he used that number. >> let me translate for the
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people at home. no bueno. now, here is another guy. oh boy, a little bit of a loose relationship with the truth, huh? president putin. so he said that in a speech there was a referendum held in crimea. >> right. and he said it was completely acceptable with international norms and perfectly fair and pristine. actually, you had a choice where you could vote for yes or basically yes plus. >> oh my gosh. >> there was no no vote there it completely violated all of the criteria set for referendum under the constitution of the ukraine. so, that's why i gave him a special international award. special international hall of shame as part of the pinocchios of the year. >> all right. well, i can tell you the list goes on and on. that is a sampling of the fine work that you have done chairman message at home lying doesn't pay no, no, no no. glen, thank you so much. great story. >> you're welcome.
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>> coming up president obama's golf game getting in the way of business again? it's not what you think. believe me that story is next. and don't forget to watch hannity tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. congressman louie gohmert is tonight's guest at the 10:00lly p.m. on hannity. no hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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sound like a sure thing but i'm a bit skeptical of sure things. why's that? look what daddy's got... ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. death toll off the coast of greece. traveled from greece to italy. rescue crews eu. evacuated the last of the known survivors bring dollars the rescue to 127. more passengers are feared missing and the search in the sea continues and in california two l.a.p.d. officers ambushed. of the police officers were driving to unrelated call when two suspects suddenly opened fire on their patrol car. the officers were not hurt and one suspect was quickly taken into custody. but the second remains on the loose. police are following up on leads to track him down. right now, police say there are no specific ties between this shooting and the police
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shootings in new york. and tonight former president george h.w. bush remains in a texas hospital. a statement from bush 41's office is says president bush's breathing has returned to normal he will stay at houston texas hospital tonight both president and mrs. bush both wish to thank everyone for good wishes and their prayers. and in hawaii, president obama's golf game disrupting a wedding. the bride and groom both u.s. army captains supposed to be get married golf course near vacation home. they would have to move their wedding away from the 16th hole because of president obama's golf game. the white house reportedly didn't know about the conflict until after the fact. president obama called the couple to apologize and offer his congratulations. this instagram showing the bride and groom on speaker phone with the president. nice job. i want to thank you for being with us tonight. we have enjoyed it we hope to see you again here tomorrow night right here at 7:00 eastern. be sure to join me for the five as well. come on, spend new year's eve with me. join us right here for
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all-american new years right here on the fox news channel. good night from new york city. o'reilly fact tore is on tonight. >> most interesting. >> cut out added sugar for 10 days maybe you dual it with me? >> no. >> barbara walters leaves television after more than auto years in theñr business. we have many questions for her. >> was it hard work that put you over the top? >> hard work helps. hard work means weekends. hard work means difficulties in personal life. >> fiery debate between jorge ramos and me religion and president obama. >> you say you want to secure the border that's just an excuse not to do nothing. >> sphru 150,000 children crossing the border, you don't have a secure border. >> no, no. that's exactly the


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